Delivering authentic long-term levelling-up

Our vision: “To create a long-term socio-economic legacy for the UK, powered by the tech sector”

Whatever happens post-Covid, tech start-ups and scale-ups need to grow in communities that can share knowledge, develop ideas and tackle challenges together. BYTEWORKS provides the fertile ecosystem the sector desperately needs
— Dom Hallas, Member of UK's Digital Economy Council Exec COADEC

We’re reinventing all forms of spaces to regenerate and catalyse growth

Transformed into highly connected modern scale-up units, social and recreational spaces creating a vibrant collaborative ecosystem

spaces reinvented

BYTEWORKS is the future. We need space for tech companies and a management switched on to them and their sector
— Neil Williams, Chief Digital Officer, Croydon Council

The home of tech scale-ups

● The tech sector is the future and the UK is a world leader

BYTEWORKS accelerates growth of tech scale-ups and talent

● These agile and dynamic tenants require a property partner who understands their business needs

BYTEWORKS incubates tech startups into scale-ups

● UK tech VC investment 3rd in world - £29.4bn in 2021

● UK tech ecosystem is valued at $1 trillion

● Tech sector growing 6 x faster than rest of UK economy

● 50% of UK economy will be Digital, Tech and Creative Industries by 2030

The BYTEWORKS legacy will be the birthplace of the next industrial revolution, where the talent of tomorrow is grown, nurtured and transformed into the history makers of the future.